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Newpoint is a sham: Part 1

Newpoint claims to be backed by Postd Inc.

Postd Inc claims to be backed by Wells Fargo NA.  Wells Fargo Bank?  No, Wells Fargo NA - a sham operation said to be run out of the Wells Fargo Museum address - but actually it should be Wells Fargo NE - non-existent.  More later.

Wells Fargo NA claims to have "on deposit" $42bn from Estate Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz al. Severino Sta. Romana Trust.  Absolute bollocks.

Estate Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz al. Severino Sta. Romana Trust registered its financing charge ref 1976904310 in California on 4 January 2019.  The financing charge is available on our webpage here. 

Postd Merchant Banque (lets just pretend its a real merchant bank for a minute) registered its financing charge 207770919002 in California on 1 April 2020* - over the assets of Estate Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz al. Severino Sta. Romana Trust

* April fools day.

Assets?  We don't need to speculate - the financing charge sets out what these are ... a copy of the financing statement is available here.  

In short the assets Postd Merchant Banque (we're still pretending its a real merchant bank) originate under registered financing charge ref 1976904310, California on 4 January 2019.  Moreover financing charge 207770919002 annexes what appear to be title documents - title to a mere $42bn of gold said to be on deposit with Wells Fargo non-existent.  A copy of the financing charge is available to download from this page.  

So the question is - how real is the $42bn in gold?

Answer.  The title document is a forgery - and it would appear that Newpoint is (or ought to have been aware of this). 




How do we know the document is a forgery?


Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 8.41.00 AM

Attached to the financing statement is a further 'certificate of title' of sorts.

The certificate of title appears to have been signed by amongst other, Harry S Truman (president of the USA) and Dwight Eisenhower (Allied Forces, Philippines).  The certificate of title appears to have been signed on 11 August 1952 in the Malacanang Palace (Manilla).  Ferdinand Marcos - former President of the Philippines is also an apparent signature to the document.  

Screenshot 2024-09-10 at 8.43.11 AM




Some digging into the whereabouts of Harry S Truman (president of the USA) and Dwight Eisenhower (Allied Forces, Philippines) on 11 August 1952 is however problematic and exposes this document (which Newpoint have relied upon* and even put the fruits thereof on several of their balance sheets*) is a forgery.  The ramifications on this for Credit Rating agencies like AM Best and fronting companies like PVI Insurance are not insignificant*.  

* More on this to come.

Harry S Truman (president of the USA) and Dwight Eisenhower (Allied Forces, Philippines) on 11 August 1952 where NOT in Manilla, Philippines on the said day.

An inspection of the Truman diary reveals Mr Truman very much had a full day of work (in Washington DC) on the subject day.  Check Mr Truman's diary.  

In case I am wrong and I've forgotten to account for the international date line, Truman was not in Manilla on either the 10th or 12th of August either.  Links to the Truman diaries for these days are here.  

In case these diary notes are wrong - here is a newspaper article for 11 August 1952 noting:

On this basis, I say for part 1 of Newpoint is a Sham that to the extent that Newpoint relies in any way on the $42bn of gold - Newpoint is a Sham.

If you have any further tip-offs or information - submit these via our tip-off forms.  All tip-offs investigated and can be treated confidentially and securely.  

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Newpoint is a sham: Part 4

Newpoint is a sham: Part 4

Newpoint received use of Trevor Saliba and Ian Fleming's $42bn treasury bond but pay $0 in interest over 20+ years. Sham?

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